Hello everyone to the Brief!
There is actually so much going on it is difficult to lable this post. In any case, THANK YOU for your prayers, your interest in what the Lord is doing and specifically what is happening this week.
We are in the middle of the 2012 VBS at the Eagles Church. Offering incredible assistance is the ministry team from the Outlook Christian Church in Indianapolis, IN. This team is made up of five young adults and ten young people. They are involved with each of the four groups of children at the VBS, doing crafts, recreation, singing, giving hugs and high fives. Before the week is out they will have also participated in skits, afternoon projects (such as cutting grass, painting rails and walls, and other projects). They have visited the famous Teotihuacan Pyramids, an open air market, the Carpenter’s new neighborhood, and much more. We appreciate the Outlook Church and their awesome ministry team. We also appreciate their raising funds for the gate/iron fence that will be built at the entrance to the soccer field.
Also, Ethan Hutchcraft has been and is an incredible Reach Intern. He has been so involved with the Eagles Church youth. He has also helped Cornelio, the maintenance guy (and so much more) with painting, repairing, etc and etc. Ethan helped hold down the fort while the Carpenter’s were away at the Carpenter/Loosley family reunion in southern Oregon. He has played his share of basketball with his host family, eaten very good – but very strange food and visited cultural sites and just plain o’l Mexico City with his host family. Ethan is assisting with VBS and is an indispensable member of our team. Visits to the Basilica (home of the cathedral of the Virgin of Guadalupe) and to Teotihuacan have helped round out his time with us. He is heading home on August first so keep Ethan in your prayers, for his travels and as he returns to school.
Steve and Kay have been continuing to prepare for their move to a new neighborhood and house by packing up and moving what is possible before the big day. The BIG DAY is July 30th. The day after the Outlook team flies out the Carpenters move out. Two trucks will show up in front of the home we are renting and load it all up. Some to storage, some to others as we down size and the rest to Tultepec and our new residence.
This move also indicates a change in ministry. We will focus on making disciples, creating churches in their homes and organizing those groups into a congregation. It is all very exciting for us. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.
We love you all in Christ and pray for his work in your lives.