What an unusual name for a blog entry, “Cake Face!”. When you see the photos you will understand.
Last weeks plans were changed for Luis & Tanya’s baptisms. We are now looking toward the 21 & 22 of September. Plans are still to drive to Ixmiquilpan and to spend the night at the Hotel Campestre. If you would like to take a sneek peek of the hotel go to (http://www.hotelcampestreixmi.com.mx/).
As is turned out the weekend was quite eventful. After all, Steve did celebrate his 55th birthday! Hurrah! The first celebration was Friday with Carlos and Yeri who purchased a cake! with an Angry Bird candle. We ate pizza and played dominoes. We didn’t get to the cake that night. Saturday we ate lunch with Vic and Pam DeLeon (co-workers) who also served cake!! Later on Saturday Carlos and Yeri visited and we decided to take their cake to the taco stand and share it with the workers and anyone eating there. I believe we served around 20 people in all. Sunday lunch was with Hector and Rosy after the morning service at the North Side Christian Church. Steve preach at ICN in the morning and at the Eagles Church in the afternoon. So of course, Rosy served a delicious cheese cake!!! And after the Eagles’ service, not only cake !!!! but tacos as well. Although nothing was planned together it sure came together and Steve celebrated his 55th in stylle.
Steve, “I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, mom and dad for the birthday and my wife, Natasha and Benjamin for making it special. And a very special thank you to Jesus for giving me not only one birthday, but for two!”
Oh, a short explanation. The word “mordida” means bite. They shout it at birthdays and anniversaries to get the people to take a bite of the cake. Then, while taking the bite their head is quite unceremonially pushed into the cake. Steve is quite good at avoiding this. However, on this occasion he decided to give everyone what they wanted. Oh yeah, notice the extra “e” in Steve’s name!