Hello everyone and greetings from Mexico City!
Here’s a quick summary to bring you up to date with all that is happening here. The end of 2013 saw us heavily involved with the North Side Christian Church in Atizapan de Zaragoza, leading Bible studies in the Tultepec area and volunteering at the community center in the Eagles neighborhood. I won’t go into details about where these locations are, but just think “northern” Mexico City.
The North Side church has made tremendous progress as a congregation. This time last year they formed a provisional council to provide leadership for the congregation. The leadership they have provided has led the congregation to a new level of health and strength. The LORD has truly blessed ICN.
Sunday, January 26th, ICN commissioned two men as elders. This is a remarkable accomplishment that we have been planning for and praying about for a year. We are very happy for the congregation and pray the Lord’s blessing upon them.
The children’s ministry outreach program at ICN has been expanded from one afternoon a week to three afternoons a week. The three activities are English classes, homework help and the club. The prayer is that these activities will result in more participation of children from the neighborhood in the church. Please lift these activities up in your prayers. Monday is English, Tuesday is homework and Friday is the club.
The community center in the Eagles’ neighborhood is blessed with another excellent volunteer named Margaret Roberts. For years Margaret worked with the same ministry that Joy served with in ministering to street children. Her desire to continue working with children has led her to ministry with both the North Side congregation and the Eagles’ congregation. Her participation will allow the community center to become more involved in the life of the community it serves.
Bye for now. May the LORD bless you and your’s.
Steve and Kay